💕 Social Cause

(Image source: James Chiam via The Pride)


"Compassion without action is just observation." 


Hands up those who agree: Every dog deserves a home! 🙌🥰🐶We may live in a super efficient, first-world city but when it comes to animal welfare, there's still a lot to be done. WHAT THE MUTT came to life around the mission of wanting to contribute to and help improve the situations of unwanted, abandoned, rescue and stray dogs in Singapore. More importantly, we want to advocate the importance of adoption, of giving these dogs second chances, and stress that adopted dogs can become good, loving pets too. 


There are about 7,000 homeless dogs in Singapore who wander the streets daily foraging for food – they typically live in forested areas and construction sites, and are not usually able to get the food and medical care they need. While there are initiatives and programmes such as Project Adore (ADOption and REhoming) and Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) in place, local animal welfare groups (AWGs) still struggle on the daily with problems such as shelter overcrowding (which can lead to healthy animals getting put to sleep), lack of manpower, and insufficient funds for food and medical expenses. Unwanted ex-breeding dogs and abandoned former pets also add to the mix, exacerbating the problems these AWGs face.  


It is important to us that we are able to lend a hand and contribute towards the cause and work of these tireless AWGs and shelters in Singapore – amazing, big-hearted people who dedicate their lives to helping animals in need. To do this, we partner with various AWGs and donate 20% of our proceeds to them. But we won't be able to do this without the support from you so here's a big shoutout to all our wonderful customers. 😘Thank you for helping us help the needy dogs in Singapore! ❤️

 (Image source: The Straits Times) 

"The greatness of a nation and the morals of its people can be judged by the way it treats its animals." – Gandhi


(Image source: AVA via Yahoo News)